For Individuals and Teams; Leaders and Corporations: We believe the key to success for an individual as well as a team, is understanding this thing called “Self”. The more you understand What your behaviors are (DISC) when faced with problems, people, change and rules; Why your respond that way (PASSIONS) and How you prioritize your decision making (JUDGMENT), the better equipped you are when situations arise requiring action. When a team understands this as a whole, the entire dynamics change. Knowing how you or your team will handle upcoming changes or challenges, gives you the resources to address everyone’s concerns in the way that best gets them on board and ready for moving forward.
For Hiring, On-Boarding and Promoting: Identifying, developing and training top talent are the keys to success in today’s competitive world. If you’ve read Good to Great by Jim Collins or TopGrading by Bradford Smart, you know that having the right people in the right jobs can make the difference between GOOD and GREAT companies, maybe even failure and success. So, how do you select and retain top talent for our organization? We believe you do so by conducting structured behavioral interviews based on information available from resumes, background or reference checks, AND the use of highly validated and effective assessment tools that measure the behaviors, values and competencies necessary to achieve success for your organization. That’s why we’ve put together a complete line of highly validated assessment tools to assess existing or potential employees. Whether you are hiring associate level employees OR executives to chart the course for your organization, we provide you with the right assessment tool or tools to identify the competencies, behaviors, and values critical to hiring the right person and making sure they are suited for the position, team and culture of your organization.
We use the U.S. Department of Labor’s guide, Testing and Assessment: An Employer’s Guide to Good Practices to evaluate and recommend the assessment tools we offer our clients and recommend that our clients review this guide to insure that their hiring practices are consistent with the guidelines provided by the DOL.
Summaries of the tools we have available are listed below. We believe that assessment tools should be chosen and implemented based strictly on the needs of our clients. For more information about our assessment services or to take a complimentary assessment, please feel free to contact us.
PASSIONScompass Report: Imagine a bicycle. The front wheel directs the bike, however, it’s the rear wheel that provides the power and energy to move forward. PASSIONS are the power, energy, and drive behind what we do. Ever wonder why some people are highly motivated by $$$ and others are not? PASSIONS provide great insight into what motivates or “drives” us to behave in the way that we do. And Yours may not be Theirs! Simply put, our top two or three values or motivators move us into action and when you and your employees are getting these met, you will both move more quickly toward the achievement of your potential. Studies show if a person is not fulfilling their top two motivators, they will feel unfulfilled and not perform to their best potential. The seven values or motivators measured by the PASSIONS assessment are:
DISCcompass Report: The DISC is a behavioral assessment that gives us insight into how we respond to problems and challenges, interact with and influence people, react to the pace of the environment and respond to rules and procedures set by others. An excellent adjunct to other hiring tools, DISC can help you ensure that the natural behavioral tendencies of any candidate are or are not consistent with the behavioral requirements of the job. When used in conjunction with PASSIONS as a part of leadership development and team building, the DISC is an excellent resource for helping team members better understand one another and why they approach problems, people, the environment and procedures differently. In other words, it helps create awareness, acceptance and understanding. And better understanding of our differences, leads to better communication, more effective team work and improved customer service.
JUDGMENTcompass Employability and JUDGMENTcompass Coaching Reports: The assortments of JUDGMENTcompass Reports are designed to reveal potential strengths, limits, and biases in an individuals’ judgment. For individuals and groups, the JUDGMENTcompass report will provide critical feedback in three areas:
Use the JUDGMENTcompass Employability report to provide any HR manager with the needed information to make better decisions on top candidates and to remove their own bias in the staffing process. It will pinpoint the risk of performance in 20 skill and competency areas and provide interviewing questions to help expose the potential issues. Use the JUDGMENTcompass Coaching report for a new hire or current team member to identify areas of strength, areas for growth, and areas where potential blocks in judgment can lead to performance issues.
Utilization of all three reporst provides incredibly important information for the manager, team members, and the L&D departments as they chart a development course to keep a top hire engaged.
Emotional Intelligence: EQi 2.0 Leadership Report: The EQ-i 2.0 measures emotional intelligence (EI) and how it can impact people and the workplace.
EQ 360 Report: While the EQ-i 2.0® identifies the level of a client’s emotional and social functioning based on his or her responses, the EQ 360 assessment provides a more in-depth analysis by having those who work with the client provide information as well. When observer ratings are compared with the results of an EQ-i 2.0 self-report, a more complete 360 degree profile emerges. The EQ 360 identifies key employee strengths that can be leveraged to the benefit of the organization, as well as impediments to high performance that could be improved.
We also use Barrett Values Culture Survey and Climate Study, Joines Personal Adaptations Questionnaire and Meyers Briggs
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I just wanted you to know that working with you and your team has been incredibly valuable to the Yale New Haven Health System and to me personally. The Ruhmann Associates programs, surveys and one-on-one coaching have had a real and sustainable positive influence on me and many of our executives by assisting us with our own personal development and management interactions.
James Staten
Executive Vice President
Corporate & Financial Services
Yale New Haven Health System