Consulting Services

From working with individual executives and managers, to bringing together the executive team, our consulting services are tailored to our client's needs to achieve their desired results.  We provide Team Workshops, Individual Leadership Development, Streamlining Hiring practices, and much more.

Organizational Climate Study

We begin by Assessing the Situation: We view the Organizational Climate Study as the logical starting point for building and strengthening organizations. This diagnostic tool examines the variables that affect performance and leadership effectiveness from the CEO through the entire management team. Through in-depth interviews, we determine the current perceptions and important management issues affecting morale, goal awareness, management strategies, opportunities, communication, planning, and delegation. We also look at issues surrounding trust, loyalty and staff relationships. The information gathered is then edited to achieve complete anonymity prior to being shared with the executive team. Create a Shared Vision: The study results are fed back to the executive team during an intensive three-day, off-site team-building workshop. The goal of this workshop is to create a common purpose, a unified direction and a shared vision. The participants agree on the things that must exist in order to create a high performing team, then develop an Action Plan to address the issues and concerns in the study which must be addressed to take advantage of new opportunities. When the team leaves the off-site workshop, they are energized and ready to begin practical application of their clarified objectives.

Leadership Image Study

Designed to provide the executive with extensive feedback on how he/she is impacting others within the organization, the Leadership Image Study provides the executive with detailed information in four basic areas. Strengths We gather information concerning the executive’s strengths in order to provide him or her with information about what is working and causing them to be effective. These are the issues that need to be reinforced and continued. Weaknesses This information provides critical feedback on where the executive is missing the mark with his or her leadership impact. Frequently, these shortcomings are blind spots to effective leadership. Potential This is sometimes a two-part question. “What is the individual’s potential to the organization?” And, “What is the individual’s perceived potential to change their leadership impact from a negative outcome to a positive outcome?” Advice This gives the leader the information he or she needs in order to become more effective. Based on the information gathered during the Leadership Image Study, each participant develops a Leadership Action Plan designed to set in motion the new leadership behaviors. All Leadership Image Studies are confidential and the study is only shared with the participant.

Excell–Excellence in Leadership

The Excell program is specifically designed for high-potential executives who want to move their leadership to an even higher level of effectiveness. It is a comprehensive one-on-one executive coaching program that includes in-depth self-evaluation, coupled with professional assessment and feedback. The effectiveness of the program depends on the executive’s personal commitment to leadership growth. All participants in the Excell program must willingly choose to participate and view the company’s offer as a supportive effort toward personal and career development. The Excell program requires a minimum commitment of six months.

Group Facilitation / Team Development and Communication

We work with teams to develop an environment where the employees are aligned and departments function in a seamless manner throughout the organization.  We tailor our processes to the needs of our clients.  Our expertise in facilitation focuses on the desired outcomes and purposely structures exercises and processes to continuously guide the group toward achieving their goals.  Some of those processes are: 

  • Provide a mindset and offsite agreements to create a 'safe space' for open all
  • Eliminate inner competitiveness
  • Uncover and resolve areas of conflicts
  • Review Team strengths and areas of vulnerability
  • Establish Team Agreements
  • Create an action plan for moving forward
  • Establish Follow-up and Follow-through strategies to assure outcomes are continued in the workplace

Family Enterprise Retreat

Family owned businesses have added dimensions that publicly traded corporations do not experience. The Family Enterprise Retreat provides a family owned business with the same methodology that has proven highly successful with major corporations in accomplishing their business purposes. It is designed to resolve the distracting and sometimes dysfunctional relationship issues that may exist in family businesses. Too frequently, personal family issues interfere with the organization’s purpose and the running of the business. Everyone agrees this is off-purpose and counterproductive. Nonetheless, it is real! This workshop is designed specifically to address these issues. The Family Enterprise Retreat enables family members to focus on shared business objectives, achieve greater communication and enhance the family enterprise.

On-Boarding and One-on-One Coaching

The Leadership On-Boarding Process is specifically designed for the Executive that is embarking on a new assignment in a new organization or at a minimum engaging in a significant role change within their current organization. The On-Boarding process is aimed directly at the organization’s need for continuity in the functioning of systems, programs, and the organization itself; and was specifically designed to reduce the amount of organizational “down-time” spent in the managerial succession process, whether you already have an excellent idea of what the issues are or not. Results have shown that this On-Boarding process enables the new executive to “get on board” with the issues 3 - 5 months ahead of what would normally take place.

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I just wanted you to know that working with you and your team has been incredibly valuable to the Yale New Haven Health System and to me personally. The Ruhmann Associates programs, surveys and one-on-one coaching have had a real and sustainable positive influence on me and many of our executives by assisting us with our own personal development and management interactions.

James Staten
Executive Vice President
Corporate & Financial Services
Yale New Haven Health System